Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday. Teenage boys

On my morning bus ride to work there are several deaf teens who I assume are going to school. I'd say they are around 14-17 years old. There is a group of boys who are friends, and they are teenage boys through and through. Open admission: if I could "do it all again" (I realize this is a silly thing to say as I'm only almost 30, and that's young, but the thing is I like what I'm doing now, so for now the "do it all again" will be a "do it slowly/part time" or "do it someday") I would be an ASL interpreter/learn ASL. I find signing fascinating, so I can't help but pay attention sometimes. Anyways, today a cute girl got off the bus, and one boy excitedly tapped the other on the shoulder, and long story short, now I know the sign for boobs. It was something like this:

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